Family Project artwork by Rheanna Lotter
The Family Project artwork was designed with a background of meeting places, to represent all of the families that will be connected through the Family Project.
This sense of connection is the heart of the artwork, and the vision of the Family Project.
Running organically between all of the meeting places and families are the connection lines that visually show how strong this connection is, even during times of crisis like the pandemic, when families can’t actually be together. The connection lines also represent the support that every family has around them – whether they can see it or not.
The radiance of the sun is shown getting brighter as it emerges from behind the cloud with the silver lining, reminding us all that there are brighter days ahead, with a sense of hope and optimism.
In the cloud you can see some mountains, which show how we will all have to overcome challenges in our lives – but the sun will always appear again and there will be a rainbow on the other side of our toughest times.